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Many people feel that, having played a couple games in a real casino, or having played one of the free games in an online casino, that they are experienced enough to take on the real money games.

Generally speaking, if you are cautious you should be able to play for real money. That is one of the major ways to learn how to play, particulalry when your own money is at stake. You do, however, need to be prepared to lose more than you win until you become skilled enough to reverse the trend.

The biggest mistake that most new gambler make is to overplay their own abilities. This can be seen when a new player sits at, say, a blackjack table and proceeds to play 3 or 4 hands at once. For an unskilled player, playing one hand can be difficult to win with. Playing 3 or 4 hands at once has the potential to lose you bankroll 3 or 4 times faster than if you has played a single hand.

Nothing beats experience when it comes to playing many of the online casino games. To gain this experience you should really spend a couple of weeks playing the free games. Once you have developed a winning habit you can move onto the real money games.

Once you have developed a winning habit with the real money games, you can consider playing extra hands. Extra hands does have the potential to win you more money. If you are unskilled, it has the potential to cost your more.

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