If you are STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS then try out our business plan writing services. Any young and upcoming entrepreneur knows how important it is to have a great business plan to ensure the success of their business. Without a proper and thoroughly researched business plan you could be putting your young business at risk as well as find it hard to get sponsors as well as money lenders interested in whatever it is you are trying to sell them.

So why hire a business plan writing service? Such professional services are experts in starting and running businesses. Most businesses fail because they do not have an adequate plan. A business plan writing service with your help takes your business plan through a step by step phase covering all aspects that are required such as executive summaries, pitch decks, presentation designs just to name a few.

If you already have a business plan but not sure if it could stand up to the test these services provide a critical evaluation of your business plan ensuring that you are ready to stand up against the big guns.

If you are really green in the area of entrepreneurship a business plan writing service could help get you on your way. Some of their services include business plan seminars that brings all the team members up to speed on the do’s and don’ts surrounding all aspects OF BUSINESS planning as well as coaching to ensure that you understand the path you have chosen as well as prepare you for the difficult road ahead.

If you are lucky the business plan writing service that you choose would have a financial plan for those of you who have limited financial resources but still need help. Instead of turning their backs on you they offer you guidance in terms of prioritizing your business as well as supply you with templates so you can draft YOUR OWN BUSINESS plan. When you have completed your part you can return to them and they not only critique what you have, but they are willing to help you edit as well as format your business plan helping you on your way to success.

Seeking the right business plan writing service helps you to concentrate on building customers, recruiting staff and even making final adjustments to your product while the writing service you chose deals with all the beginning paper work. This is seen as a great help and is less stressful to you as an entrepreneur giving you the opportunity you need to settle nicely into your new CAREER.

Being trusted with the responsibility of organising your best friend’s stag weekend is a poisoned chalice. It has the potential to be one of the most memorable weekends of your best mate’s life, but, without a little planning, things can go downhill very quickly.

Deciding on hosting the stag weekend in Manchester, however, truly is one of the best decisions you could make and starts the weekend off on the right foot. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, here are our top tips for planning a stag weekend in Manchester.

Where to stay

Like any major UK city, you’re left spoilt for choice when it comes to finding somewhere to stay in Manchester.

It’s best to stay central and try and get as close as you can to Deansgate, Peter Street and the Deansgate Locks, as that’s where you will likely end up in the evening. In terms of types of accommodation, Manchester’s hotels cater for the entire spectrum of budgets. If you’re a large group, it could be worth looking into renting one of the many available weekend apartments, giving you a little more flexibility and a venue for the after-party.

Daytime activities

After dropping off your bags at your accommodation, you’ve got the whole day to fill before the big night out.

And, in this regard, Manchester does not disappoint.

Manchester is literally bursting at the seams with potential daytime activities, including paintballing, quad biking, clay pigeon shooting, Go Karting, golf or taking a tour around the stadium of either Manchester City or Manchester United football clubs. Any one of these activities is a great pre-cursor to the big night that lies ahead.


With over 500 licensed bars in the city centre, Manchester is one of the most well-equipped cities in the UK to host a stag weekend. The city has everything from wine bars, cafe bars, jazz bars and rock clubs, to sports bars. There’s something for every taste, no matter how quirky.

While it’s difficult to list the top bars in Manchester, and heading for the Deansgate Locks is as great a starting point as any, old favourites for stag weekends include Apotheca, in the Northern Quarter, The Liar’s Club, just off Bridge Street, and the Alchemist in Spinning fields.


When it comes to clubbing, Manchester has everything you would expect, and more. Favourites such as Tiger Tiger have a base in the city, while K2 and the Birdcage also make great destinations for your stag weekend.

While the Manchester club scene is, on the whole, hospitable, some clubs have an issue with letting in large single-sex groups, as well as many having a strict dress code. It is, therefore, best to call ahead and book in advance in order to allow your stag weekend to run as smoothly as possible. Clubs like the Birdcage are an excellent choice as they accept table reservations for large groups.

Post-club entertainment

After a long day of activities, and plenty of beers, Manchester is also a great place for post-club entertainment. If you’re tired of dancing the night away, or just not that into clubbing, why not check out the nearest Casino? Playing roulette, blackjack or a bit of poker is a fantastic way to top off a great stag weekend.

Whenever we go on vacations to a tropical paradise, we always try to book an adventure or two throughout our week. On our most recent trip this past July to the Central Pacific coast of Costa Rica we decided that we were going to book an excursion to spend a day on Isla Tortuga. This is something that my wife and I wanted to do last year on our 10-year anniversary, but did not have the opportunity to book because we had waited so long. At that time, we decided that WHEN we came back to Costa Rica, it was a must.


The trip wasn’t too incredibly pricey, and you get quite a bit in the trip. Transportation to and from the location, breakfast with some fresh fruits, eggs, coffee, etc. A 90-minute catamaran cruise across the Gulf of Nicoya, lunch on the island, a couple of activities, and some open time to explore the area or swim at your leisure.   All of this put together made for one pretty amazing day with the kids.


Start The Day With A Shuttle

When we booked our trip, we were told that we would be picked up at 6:30am at the house that we were staying at. Being from a time zone that is normally two hours ahead, we didn’t have any issues getting everybody up and ready to go by that time. Got everything packed up and went to wait for our shuttle. The shuttle picked us up, and then had to make another stop in Jaco to pick up two more guests.


From there it was about an hour drive to Puntarenas where we would start our excursion. It is important to know that if you are staying south of Puntarenas, it could be a bit of a drive to get started, so don’t be shocked and make sure you research your location in regards to where you would be heading. For us, the drive was fine. Something about driving in Costa Rica just made the time go fast and the drives seem like nothing. There is some breathtaking scenery along the way.


A Wonderful and Delicious Breakfast

When we arrived to the docks we were taken into a restaurant where there were some other folks that would be joining the trip as well. The complimentary breakfast included some of the best fresh fruits, rice, eggs, endless coffee and some phenomenal juices. There were also some pastries that you could purchase extra as well. The breakfast was a nice size portion and is a good start to the day.

Since my kids seem to NEVER eat all of their breakfast, I went ahead and became a human disposal for their food as well. Had to load up on those carbs and protein for the day! We were at the restaurant for about a half hour before it was time to hit the docs and board the catamaran.


Cruising The Gulf of Nicoya


Prior to boarding the catamaran, each crew member was introduced so we could get to know the folks helping us over the next few hours. I have to say that this group of individuals was nothing short of fantastic. Each one of them was extremely helpful and polite. Most spoke good enough English, and then the main crew member spoke VERY good English. So you would not have any issues understanding instructions that are given.


Once we board the catamaran, there are more instructions given, and essentially a layout of the day. It’s about a 20 minute talking session, but this going on while we’re cruising, and over the speakers. So this meant that you could really sit anywhere you wanted to the boat and hear what you needed to hear. Now, our day started off fairly gray and rainy, but that was OK. We were still in Costa Rica, still on a catamaran with tropical drinks, and still able to see amazing scenery. So we were not letting that get us down.


More Cruising

During the cruise to the island, we are treated with more fresh pineapple and watermelon (some of the best I have ever had), and a tab is able to be started for adult beverages if you would like. There is a nice bar in the cabin of the catamaran and the drinks were fantastic. The crew was constantly on the move to grab your empty glasses from you so that you didn’t have to walk around.


I still can’t figure out how they were able to move so nimbly around, while I was having trouble standing in one spot without tipping over. In addition to this, there is also a great mix of music that is being played over the speakers. While you’re cruising along, there is a chance to sign up for one or both of the activities that they have on the island. One is snorkeling, and the other was the banana boat ride. We didn’t go on the banana boat, but we most certainly signed up for the snorkeling.


Isla Tortuga

Once we arrived to the island, this is where the fun really started to begin. Snorkeling was the first activity that was done, so we dropped our belongings off on the island. Then boarded the catamaran again so they could take us out to a small area to do some snorkeling for about 30-45 minutes. The snorkeling here was fantastic. The water was deep, but not too deep to where I couldn’t dive down and get some create shots with the camera. Since we were still in the gulf, the waves were not bad at all, so it made it easier to maneuver around.


The crew members are out there with you at all times. There were a couple of times where they would dive down to grab a starfish so the kids could see and touch. I even got to hold one! There are sea turtles somewhere in the vicinity of where we snorkeled, but we didn’t get the opportunity to see one. Once the snorkeling is wrapped up, you head back over the island for lunch.


Exploring the Island

Once lunch was done, we had about another 3 -4 hours where we could do as we pleased. Whether it was lay on the beach, get out in the water, or explore the areas that were open to us, we had plenty of time for it all. There’s a little gift shop of course, and then some other rentals such as jet skis that you could do that were not part. My favorite stand was the fresh coconut water with a couple of shots of rum in it.

$6 for a coconut that I had to carry with two hands and pretty much lasted the remainder of my time on the island. The island was just beautiful and the sun eventually came out for us which made it that much better. I spent the afternoon walking around, lounging in the water, and of course jumping off of rocks into the crystal clear water.


Heading Back Home

Once our time on the island was complete, we board the catamaran, say bye to the island.  We headed back to Puntarenas so we can grab the shuttle back to the house we were staying in. The cruise back took a little bit of a different route so we could see some different islands and learn more about the beautiful area. We even had the chance to see a pod of dolphins while cruising back, but were not lucky enough to have them swim along the boat. Oh well.

All in all, the day trip to Isla Tortuga was amazing. Everything about the trip was magical and it is definitely something that I would do again if we make it back to Costa Rica. I can’t say enough good things about the crew that we had, as they were extremely helpful and knowledgeable, and that really helps add to the trip itself. If you ever have the chance to take this trip while in Costa Rica, I highly recommend.


No matter what marketers do, there is still no form of marketing that rivals the effectiveness of good old word of mouth marketing. These days, with the increased rate of ad blocking, this tried-and-tested, old-school strategy is even more essential. In recent years, word-of-mouth marketing has evolved and influencers are now in the picture.

Influencers are your brand’s best advocates. They are social media users who have established credibility in a particular category. Influencers have the power to affect consumer purchasing decisions with their authority as opinion leaders.

Influencers typically have a large number of followers who read their content often and are influenced very subtly by it. That is why leveraging influencer-generated content to promote your brand can help your business grow quickly.

Let’s take a look at 10 of the best ways influencer-generated content helps grow your business.

1. Influencers promote your brand without being promotional.
Influencers generally talk about themselves in their content, including their surroundings and their ideas. They are not selling a brand directly when promoting it. Their content will strategically place your brand in the conversation so that consumers don’t even notice the fact that something is being sold to them on a subconscious level.

Every day, consumers get bombarded with hundreds of pieces of promotional content. It makes them tired, confused and indifferent about an ad. Eventually, they start to ignore those ads.

Influencer content, on the contrary, entertains consumers or solves their problem. It does so by including your products or services, making them relevant as well as believable in the context. Your job is done.

2. Hashtags improve discoverability.
When you search for a hashtag on social media, the search results display the most popular content using that hashtag first.

Influencers generate a lot of engagement with their content. There’s a good chance the content they create for you will easily be discovered when someone searches for a relevant hashtag. This improves your chances of reaching out to a larger audience.

You can come up with a unique branded hashtag that the influencers can promote for you. Or you can encourage them to participate in trending conversations by discovering relevant and popular hashtags.

Platforms like Hashtagify.me can help you identify popular hashtags that your influencers can use for their content.

3. Influencers improve your SEO.
Content created by influencers gives you lot of mentions in the online space, and these mentions generally include a link back to your website. You already know quality backlinks can improve your rankings. These links help your website perform better in organic search and thus, you will get more organic visitors.

However, you need to be careful with mentions, as not all mentions will be relevant, and not all mentions are right for your brand.

4. They expand your social media reach.
Consumers want to communicate with your brand. With the widespread use and popularity of social media, it’s the perfect channel for you to communicate with your customers.

Influencers can be your mediators or spokespeople on these channels. According to the Pew Research Center:

Influencers are everywhere on social media and their content gets shared, liked and discussed. Sometimes, it even becomes news. Their content can help drive real-time growth.

5. Their feedback matters.
Online reviews are crucial if your brand is selling a product or service. Feedback, or a genuine product review from an influencer with a wide network, can do wonders for you. It can encourage thousands of their followers to give your product a try.

6. Influencers boost your authority.
You can become a thought leader in your industry with the help of influencers. Influencers, in most cases, are experts in certain niches. That is one of the reasons they have amassed sizable followings.

You can look for an influencer who is an expert in your domain. When this expert creates content involving your brand, it is a way for them to vouch for you. By doing so, they help your business gain more authority.

7. They help your business earn consumer trust and loyalty.
Do you want trust and loyalty from your customers? Of course you do. Well, guess what? Influencers have already acquired both from their followers. In fact, that is why they have thousands of followers. When an influencer endorses you strategically, consumers associate the influencer’s trustworthiness with your brand. Eventually, they may also become loyal to your brand if they get what they expected.

8. Influencers boost your chances of going viral.
This doesn’t happen every day. But chances are that with the help of influencer-generated content, you could go viral. This can flood your website with visitors and may increase your customer base. At the very least, it will definitely increase your visibility. Apart from a smart and powerful influencer, you also need strategic content for it to go viral.

9. They help maintain your brand’s reputation.
Influencer-generated content can help you deal with any negative publicity surrounding your brand. The process can be lengthy, but with constant strategic effort, an influencer can change the negative perception to a positive one, or at least help bring it back to neutral.

10. Influencer marketing makes you a content-rich brand.
With influencer marketing, you or influencers (or both of you) will create quality content for your brand. The more consistent you are about posting quality content, the more consumers associate your brand with great content.

Storage room is essential for some clients – particularly if it’s on a cell phone or PC. Introducing applications and recreations, sparing melodies and motion pictures to any hard plate is brisk. So fast, that the framework regularly misses certain parts of memory. These parts do involve a measure of room.

This lost space can abandon you spending a ton of memory for reasons unknown by any stretch of the imagination. What’s more, you may surmise that your documents really take up all that space.

There are two manners by which we can recuperate and use these squandered parts. Cleaning your circle of ‘garbage’ documents, and reassigning all the memory to legitimate divisions on your hard plate.

How about we cover the quicker strategy first. Cleaning the ‘garbage’ records can recoup some measure of room, as well as rates up the PC. These ‘garbage’ records incorporate establishment documents, Windows Update documents and brief store memory from programs and framework forms.

Stage 1:

Place the cursor on the Cortana seek bar and sort ‘Plate Cleanup’. This is what might as well be called an Android store cleaning application. You can erase the records that are incidentally put away on the PC, particularly those that take up more memory.

Stage 2:

Starting from the drop menu, you can choose the drives that you need to target. We propose you begin with your essential hard circle parcel. Tap on ‘Tidy up framework documents’

Stage 3:

Once chose, you can see the measure of room you can free up and which organizers take up more memory.

Stage 4:

Guarantee that you select every one of the envelopes and hit ‘alright’. All the incidentally spared records will be cleared from your PC.

You can rehash similar strides for every single other parcel.

Defragmentation is the second strategy, and dissimilar to the Disk Cleaner, it doesn’t erase pointless documents. It improves every one of the records to possess the unused space.

Consider a bookshelf where a few books are put one, however with periodic holes. Along these lines, to make things more sorted out, you move the books into the holes and make more space for new books. Circle defragmentation works similarly, so with the a lot of information that is being rearranged, it will take up a bigger measure of time.

One of the toughest questions that students face after finishing high school is – “what next?” Choosing a college or a university that gets you a good job isn’t enough anymore. This new phase of life is also expected to teach you about survival skills and becoming successful in all spheres of life.

No wonder this is an important decision! Your higher education can define the person you become. The right qualifications from a reputed institute can set you up for life the way nothing else can.

I’m sure you must have definitely found yourself wondering about the similarities and differences between a college and a university several times. Many students have doubts and queries about what makes a college a college, and a university a university. As trivial as this question sounds, it is important to get it answered as your future rides on it.

To the layman, a university sounds much more coveted and prestigious as compared to a college or a community college that offers certificate courses. There are, however, many more factors to be taken into account before we can decipher the differences and similarities between a college and a university in the US.

The foremost difference between a college and a university is

A college offers only a single and specialized line of Study. A University, on the other hand, holds a collection of colleges and hence offers various courses. Colleges within university offer undergraduate degrees, while the university itself offers graduate degrees. For example, a student who attends Harvard gets his undergraduate degree from Harvard College and the graduate degree from Harvard University. Michigan State University is home to College of Business, College of Arts and Letters, College of Social Science, and many others.


Some of the other differences that might help you distinguish between the two are

  1. You need to have a Bachelor’s degree to get into a university.
    To apply for a Master’s or a PhD program at a university, you will first need to earn a Bachelor’s degree. It is only once you become a graduate that you can apply to post-graduate/professional courses. You therefore need to be equipped with college education to be able to progress on to university education.


  1. Colleges are smaller than universities.
    When it comes to classroom and campus sizes, a college tends to be much smaller than a university. This is because colleges put a limit on the number of students they accept in order to enable the faculty to provide more focus and attention to the academic needs of the students. This is necessary to prepare students for the next level of studies as that would determine how the rest of their life turns out.
  2. Teaching methodologies are more independent in universities.
    Universities are larger in size as well as hold a greater student density compared to colleges. Since the number of students is higher, it is not possible for the faculty to give them individualized attention. Most of the lessons and faculty time are divided between teaching and research. That requires you to be in charge of your studies, which means you are totally responsible for your education.
  3. Big universities may have several colleges under them.
    A university might have several colleges that offer Bachelor courses. These courses take about 2 to 3 years to complete, post which the student can qualify to continue in the same university to pursue higher education.
  4. Sports enthusiasts belong in universities.
    Typically, it is the universities that are able to cater to the needs of sports fans and athletes since they tend to have several health and athletic programs with the resources and sponsorships to support major teams. Since Ivy have bigger campuses, sportspersons can expect to be provided with high quality support infrastructure, equipment and training sessions.


A few similarities between colleges and universities

  1. The same type of Baccalaureate (Bachelor’s degree) can be conferred by colleges and universities.
    Students pursuing undergraduate courses have it easier than those pursuing graduate studies. Although many factors affect the level and quality of education in an institute, the same graduate degree that is earned at colleges, can be earned at universities also. In such cases, it is through the colleges run by universities.
  2. Highly reputed colleges are more selective than most universities.
    It’s not just accomplished universities that pick and choose their students; some of the reputed colleges do so too. This is necessary for such colleges because they need to maintain a certain level of quality not just in the education they provide but also in the kind of minds they attract.
  3. Many a time, these terms are used interchangeably.
    In the US, “going to college” can imply both attending a college or a university. For a lot of people, the size of the campus and the number of students are the biggest factors differentiating the two. However, not the size but the programs and the curriculum offered should be the chief determinants

The Bottom Line

The dividing line between colleges and universities has blurred greatly in the Unites States. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to choose what’s best for you and your career goals. Finding an institute that offers the kind of program you’re looking for is crucial to your development, so compromising on that front would be a big mistake. As long as the institute empowers your dreams, there is no need to worry about the rest.


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Good Night Shayari

Good Night Shayari

Good Night Shayari

Good Night Shayari

Good Night Shayari

Good Night Shayari

Good Night Shayari

Best Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues Quotes & Memes

It’s got some hilariously understated humour delivered perfectly via the talented Raghubir Yadav, Jitendra Kumar, and Neena Gupta.


Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues

“Aatmsamman naam ka bhi koi cheez hota hai.”

Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues

“Pehla Beer thoda teji se ghatkiyega, varna kya hota hai jab tak dusri ka number aata hai, garam ho jaati hai.” 


Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues

“Kab tak chupoge phulera ki aad me, kabhi toh aaoge fakoli baazar me.”

Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues

“6 baje pura gaon uth ke baith jayega, toh 9 baje dophar hi lagega na.”

Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues

“Yeh jo tanki dekh rahe hai na, upar chad kar aapko gaon itna sundar lagega ki aapko gaon se pyaar ho jayega”

Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues

“Chakka wala kursi par baith kar har aadmi apne aap ko bada samjhne hi lagta hai.”

Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues

“Aadhar card nahi beta, ek repat me sudhar card bana denge tumhara.”

Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues

.“Kitni baar bole hai chaabi janeu me baandh ke rakhiye, par nahi humein toh fashion karna hai.”

Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues

“Do bachche hai meethi kheer, usse jyada bawasir.”

Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues


Kaam ke baad ek aadmi nahi hota baat karne ke liye,na mera koi friend hai, na koi family hai, na koi social life hai, akele baitha aadmi daaru na piye toh kya karega bataiye.

Panchayat -1 Web Series Dialogues